Calling all contributors!
The 2018-19 season is just ahead of us and The Brooklyn Game is looking for new people to join the team. It has been a quiet summer for us, admittedly, because we are going through some changes. This means that The Brooklyn Game is going to be a little different this year, so if you’re a creative-minded writer, we’d love to hear from you.
Although this position is unpaid, we do not ask anybody to contribute or participate more than they’d like to. As an added bonus, you will get constructive, thoughtful feedback from editors that truly want to see your writing develop as the Nets do too. This type of opportunity is perfect for anybody looking to jump into sportswriting but does not know how to get involved or for research-focused people that want to go deep on a strange, unmined topic.
If you want to pitch us on a crazy idea, too — we’re all ears! Shoot us an email at [email protected] for more information! TBG is excited to get weird with you all for another year, so stay tuned.