Right, back to the basketball.
The Nets have 41 home games. The majority of fans will be there for just one… So does it matter if a player doesn’t want to run out as (the excellent) Dave Diamante yells their name? The guy is trying his damnedest to gee up the crowd before tip off, so OF COURSE the crowd falls flat if the camera cuts to Joe and finds him sitting on the bench looking like Jonathan from sales at your last work function… or it can’t find D-Will because he’s skipped ahead of his intro. There’s room for habit and superstition, but when you leave the crowd going ‘huh? Where’s the guy I’m meant to be cheering for?’, something is off.
It’s not hard, nor is it a big ask. If KG, a man roughly the same age as Methuselah and crankier than Ron Swanson can pull himself up to run through the sea of high fives for the crowd, everyone can.
Which leads us to…