Brooklyn Nets forward Cory Jefferson was drafted 60th overall in the 2014 NBA draft. Most players drafted at that spot never crack a spot in an NBA rotation. But Cory Jefferson is not one of those no-shows, and Patrick Patterson learned the hard way that Jefferson’s doing more with his playing time than most “Mr. Irrelevant”‘s with this ridiculous one-hand slam. Seriously, it’s the kind of athleticism so rarely seen in a Brooklyn uniform this season — Jefferson’s elbow was parallel to the rim on the dunk.
Jefferson even followed up that dunk with another one one possession later, a two-hand stuff on an offensive rebound.
Jefferson had the talent to be drafted higher, but his ambition to play in the NBA — and refusal to accept an overseas assignment –led to him falling down to the final selection. The Nets bought the pick from the Spurs, and the rest is dunkstory.