After Friday’s 107-68 shellacking in Orlando (the good kind!), the Brooklyn Nets finish off the second part of their new franchise’s first home-and-home against the Orlando Magic today at 3 P.M.
Answering some questions today about the Orlando Magic franchise is Eddy Rivera, founder and Editor-in-Chief of Magic Basketball. Onward!
Devin: Friday night’s game was — no way around it — ugly for Orlando. Do you have more hope for the Magic to compete in Sunday’s game?
Eddy: The Magic will compete. That’s been the case in every game this season so far — including the Nets’ 39-point thrashing on Friday. The problem is that, with Hedo Turkoglu, Jameer Nelson, and Al Harrington unable to play due to injuries, there’s just not a lot of talent Orlando can throw out on the court right now.
Devin: These teams were obviously intertwined over the past year because of the Dwightmare. In your estimation, how has the actual trade worked out for Orlando, in the now and for the long-term?
Eddy: It’s hard to give an answer to that question because the trade can’t be accurately critiqued “in the now” and “for the long-term.” The rebuilding process just started for the Magic. Until the future becomes the present, no one knows whether or not the trade truly worked out. Ask again in a few years.
Devin: Of all the young players the Magic have now, which one’s future excites you most?
Eddy: I think Andrew Nicholson has a bright future in the league. His skill-set offensively is incredibly polished for a rookie (his footwork in the post stands out). That being said, he needs to improve as a rebounder and defender. And he’d be best served adding weight and muscle to his frame. Still, I like what I see from him.