The oft-candid, sometimes silly, always verbose P.J. Carlesimo sat down with ESPN New York to talk about his career — most notably the infamous 1997 incident with Latrell Sprewell that ended with Spree’s hands around Carlesimo’s neck — and his shot at winning a title in Brooklyn.
The latest ESPN Hollinger Playoff Odds have the Nets with a 92% chance of making the playoffs, a 9.3% chance of making the Finals, and a 1.4% chance of winning the whole thing.
D.J. Foster lists Andray Blatche on his “All-Value” Team: “After wearing out his welcome in Washington in a serious way, the Nets were the only team really brave enough to take on a reclamation project, and the talented 26-year-old big man has rewarded them by playing his butt off. Blatche is 8th in the league in offensive rebounding percentage, 16th in total rebounding percentage, and 17th (!) in usage percentage. The last stat is particularly interesting — it’s not very often you’ll see an offense sculpted around a player making the league minimum, but Blatche has proven worthy of the touches, averaging nearly 20 points per 36 minutes on career-high percentages across the board.”
A profile of ex-New Jersey Nets point guard and current Springfield Armor star Ben Uzoh. Good quotes from Nets GM of Minor League Operations Milton Lee.