The Nets made it clear they didn’t care about this game, like many of the other games the last two weeks of this season, but it’s never nice to get blown out with the playoffs right at your heels. If results hold, the Nets will face the Raptors on Saturday on ESPN.

He never stops Blatching. Had some signature pump fakes, long two-point jumpers, one memorable eurostep, and a nice up-and-under move.

He didn’t make any insane voodoo pass like he did on Tuesday, but he did lots of Kirilenko things. And one not-Kirilenko thing. HE MADE A PAIR OF FREE THROWS.

Early on, it looked like Marcus Thornton might take about 100 shots in this game, and it’s funny, because he gameplans for a minimum of 200 attempts on any given night.

He had the green light, which I don’t think anyone has ever said about Jason Collins. It looks like his role is pretty much nonexistent for the playoffs, so it was good to get one last long look at him this season.

He had his usual assortment of athletic plays at the rim. He also showed off a couple hook shots and post moves that were big parts of his repertoire when he was an offensive focal point at Duke.

Gutierrez looked okay, neither good nor bad. He looked to shoot more, but when Andray Blatche is more of a playmaker than your point guard, there probably is something a bit wrong.

I feel bad for Marquis Teague, because the appropriate people don’t seem to realize that he belongs in the D-League for the foreseeable future. I will say that he always gives his full effort, but it’s clearly not enough.