A note for all you faithful readers out there: we’ve recently switched over to the Lifefyre commenting system, which allows for real-time commenting, along with connectivity to Google+/Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn. If you’d like, you can also create a Lifefyre account to stay connected, which takes less than a minute. If you hate social media, no worries — you can still post as a guest, and you definitely shouldn’t follow me on Twitter.
If you find any issues with the commenting system, drop me a line (devin.kharpertian@netsarescorching.com) and I’ll forward it over to their customer support. They’re great — we had one issue right off the bat, and Lifefyre’s technical support took care of it immediately, on Thanksgiving of all days.
Also, I know I’m a day late here, but I just wanted to extend a big thanks to you, for reading, commenting, and sharing the content we offer here. A site is nothing without its readers, and every time you connect with us, I appreciate it. Thank you.
Now let’s end this lockout already, am I right?