
We’ve had a lot of fun over the past few years here at Nets are Scorching.

For the most part, we’ve been critical. For the most part, with good reason. The New Jersey Nets are staring down the barrel of their third consecutive losing season, with just a 58-170 record in those three years. They’ve bungled draft picks, mired themselves in endless trade talk, and never seemed fully keen on developing the talent on the floor into something memorable. The star player’s disgruntled, the roster rapidly assembled, the future opaque.

It’s been a rough few years for Nets fans. But it hasn’t always been bad.

Because of that, tonight, on the Nets’ final night ever in New Jersey, I’d like us to look back at the few-and-far-between good times. The sublime, the humorous, the enjoyable. The things that remind you why you love this team, and why you’ve stuck with it through thick and thin.

Tweet along with the hashtag #NetsMemories, mentioning us at @NetsRScorching. Don’t have Twitter? Leave a comment on this or our open thread, or drop a line on our Facebook page. We’ll post our favorites on the site in the morning.

Thanks for sharing, for caring, and for reading… We appreciate it every day. Cheers, fellow Nets fans. Let’s toast to one last game in New Jersey.