Brandon Jennings is working out with the Nets tomorrow morning, where he will be competing with Jonny Flynn and Terrence Williams to see who can impress the Nets brass the most. Last week, Jennings wasn’t even going to work-out with the Nets as he was looking to be a top ten pick. So what changed? Well, nobody is really saying why, but one has to assume that Jennings is starting to worry about his stock slipping. Even one executive told an agent on Friday (As posted by Dave D’Alessandro):
As one team exec told an agent Friday that Brandon is “sliding like a five-year-old in the park.”
So why is Jennings slipping? It certainly not due to his skill, Jennings is one of the biggest pure talents in the draft. Sure he is raw, but his potential is through the roof. His skill without question worthy of a top 10 pick. So the reason for Jennings slipping has to be his attitude and his maturity.
People who may disagree with me will say that Jennings’ year in Europe has seasoned him and made him mature. I tend to disagree with that train of thought. First, he wasn’t out on his own in Italy (his mother and brother lived with him – not saying that is a bad thing). Second, he didn’t play too much over in Italy. Finally, Jennings is still only 19. To further strengthen my point, I want to direct you guys to one of Brendon’s tweets (As you may already know, I am kind of a twitter expert) that he put out tonight (It was posted around 11ish):
Now I am not one to be questioning people’s late night activities (I have done some silly things myself), but one has to wonder why Jennings is out at 11 o’clock when he has a work-out with the Nets tomorrow. Especially with free-falling down the draft boards. This doesn’t really look like maturity to me.