The Ten Most YouTubable Moments Of The 2013-14 Nets Season

The Ten Most YouTubable Moments Of The 2013-14 Nets Season

8) Ian & Sparkle Go Loony in London

This might be the most underrated broadcast in Nets history. Ian Eagle and Jim Spanarkel have a wonderful chemistry from years of working alongside one another, and it just works flawlessly here. Spanarkel’s giddy, unrelentingly weird use of British slang combined with Eagle’s deadpan responses to it made for one of the funniest broadcasts of any game I’ve ever heard.

Worth quoting: “What if I called you a wanker?”

It gets more ridiculous with each passing call, and by the end of the game, Spanarkel’s completely lost all sense of reality and Eagle’s holding on for dear life. Their call of Joe Johnson’s accidental head-pass is one of the best moments of the year.
